Re: [LAU] SuperCollider goes wrong with jackd @ UbuntuHardyAlpha3

From: '2+ <electriclightheads@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 31 2008 - 02:33:12 EET

thank you all!
i sit in front of my linux machine once a week
so .. maybe by next time jack will be updated to solve the problem? ;-D
( if not will try what HTH told me ;-) )

but i still wonder what the SC@email-addr-hidden style will be in the near future.
if SC sticks to use jack insted of pulseaudio
a lazy set-up person like me will fall into trouble
when hardy becomes totally portaudio oriented?
or SC-ppl just disable pulse and just keep on using jack?

or something like jack@email-addr-hidden may happen?
if yes to this
mpg321 with SC mixed via pulse may available?

is pulse a good thing for us? or more much more trouble making?

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Received on Thu Jan 31 04:15:14 2008

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