Clemens Ladisch wrote:
> Bill Allen wrote:
>> $ aplay -Dhw:1,0 Hells_intro.wav
>> Playing WAVE 'Hells_intro.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
>> aplay: set_params:900: Sample format non available
> Using the "hw" device prevents ALSA from doing any automatic sample
Yes, true, when I use plughw, I don't get the error, but it doesn't play
in advanced mode still:
bill@email-addr-hidden:~$ aplay -Dplughw:2,0 audiodump.wav
Playing WAVE 'audiodump.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 11024 Hz, Mono
Aborted by signal Interrupt...
> format conversions.
>> In advanced mode jackd says:
>> ...
>> ALSA: could not start playback (Broken pipe)
> There should be an error message in the system log.
> I'd guess that this goes away if you update to a newer kernel, or if you
> connect the device directly to the computer instead of through a hub.
I'm going into the usb slot on the computer and
bill@email-addr-hidden:~$ uname -a
Linux amddesktop 2.6.22-14-rt #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Feb 12 03:54:33 UTC
2008 x86
I don't think I can get a much more recent kernel. Thanks for your help,
but I'm starting to be convinced that my device is just not working
right. I'll spring for a newer one when I can.
Best regards,
> Clemens
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 19 04:15:08 2008
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