[LAU] while we are sharing things we made

From: Justin Smith <noisesmith@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 16 2008 - 14:28:50 EEST

I just made a video of a synth that I wrote in c (except for some 4 point
interpolation code adapted from pd, the audio code is all mine, based on
ideas presented in "the computer music tutorial" by Cecil Rhodes), with a
c++ fltk gui (the waveform editing widgets are all custom made). I warn you
before you click on the link, it is not a composition, just a brief run
through of what you can do with two instances plugged into one another. Oh,
and it is designed to sound kind of like Merzbow, or Iannis Xenakis, and if
you don't know those names, you will probably hate it (and most of the
people who do know those names hate their music too, I am too old to try
being an ambassador for the style anymore). Anyway, keep the volume levels
low, and an open mind, and feel free to check it out. Here is an example of
the synth <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrQPm5DXL3Q>. I am considering
figuring out autotools and how to make debian packages and distributing it
for others to use, but I am not sure how many people would find it useful,
compared to the amount of work it takes to maintain a GPL'd package.

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 16 16:15:07 2008

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