Re: [LAU] question re: Minicomputer synth

From: Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 30 2008 - 17:53:26 EEST

Dave Phillips wrote:

> I truly
> believe that more problems come from new (and not so new) users naively
> believing that *any* Linux distro is good enough for pro-quality audio
> performance, if they just toss in the right kernel, and set those
> priorities, and find the necessary drivers and firmware, and tweak those
> JACK and ALSA settings...

Ok, I run Ubuntu (recently switched from debian) and although ubuntu is
performing well and debian very well, I'm interrested in trying out a
dedicated pro-audio distro. I tried agnula once and was very
disappointed, but maybe things improved...

Looking at the list, trying to remember which name I heard the most
times, and trying to stick with something debian-based I guess I should
try out 64 studio, right?

Could you fill in these datails that I wasn't able to (quickly) loacate
on the web site:

1) What's the relation with debian? Is it based on testing or stable? Or
is it totally self contained?

2) What's the release rate?

3) Am I gonna break the whole thing when using it as a "regular" linux,
with everything that includes (wlan, 3d-accel/compiz, bluetooth,
suspend/hibernate, cups, dual monitors, all those non-pro-audio things
that tend to work well in ubuntu and seems to conflict with rock-steady
audio performance).

peace, love & harmony
Atte       | |
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Received on Wed Apr 30 20:15:03 2008

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