Re: [LAU] inverting phase of one channel - bad idea?

From: Atte Andr� Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 27 2008 - 13:23:57 EEST

Fons Adriaensen wrote:

> If the delay roughly corresponds to the path difference of one
> ear to both speakers, and you do invert, then this is a primitive
> form of crosstalk cancellation.

So the delay part is crucial and the result can be good?

I don't understand how long the delay should be (although I know how
fast sound travels and how far apart my ears are).

Supposed I'm 10 meters away from a PA (speakers 10 meters apart), what
should the delay be? What if I'm listening at home, 3 meters away from
my home stereo (speakers 3 meters apart)? What if I'm listening through

I'm starting to find this interesting :-)

> If you want to try the real thing (which can be quite good), get
> jconv and use one of two EYCv2** configurations.

Maybe I should!

peace, love & harmony
Atte       | |
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Received on Tue May 27 16:15:04 2008

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