Re: [LAU] OT: linux phone?

From: robert lazarski <robertlazarski@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri May 30 2008 - 15:55:38 EEST

On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 8:53 AM, <hollunder@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On the topic of linux phones:
> Are there any that are completely free software?
> I think I read a while ago that there's still some proprietary stuff in
> there, the part that enables it to make calls or something.
> I wouldn't be happy with that kind of 'open' phone.

Yeah, there's still at least two proprietary parts in openmoko's
Freerunner: GSM and Glamo.

GSM: as open source its tough because there are FCC certifications involved.

Smedia Glamo 3362 (Graphics chip) : NDAd .

I'm hoping glamo gets replaced, also for technical reasons (good, but
not great chip imho) .

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Received on Fri May 30 16:15:08 2008

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