Re: [LAU] Listen to some new Linux-made music

From: Julien Claassen <>
Date: Wed Jul 02 2008 - 21:48:48 EEST

Hello Sven!
   If I say it's "radio compatible", this is to be considered as a praise. I
mean the general sound. I sounds very straight forward and well mastered.
   Only points: I had some problems with the electric guitar, it sounded a bit
too mono for my taste. And it would have been nice to really sing the chorus
twice or thrice and spread the vocals in the stereo image. Would have been
even more of a distinction in contrast to the stanzer.
   But over all: nicely done, hothing too fancy probably, but exactly right.
Sometimes less is more.
   Kindest regards

Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)

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Received on Thu Jul 3 00:26:48 2008

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