Hi Julien
Less is always more when I write, record, and produce music :)
The guitar is recorded by microphoe and I thought it was a shame
actually fiddeling with the sound, but yeah I could give it a go with a
chorus to spread it a littel, but you see I've just found it nice to
play the thing more or less dry as it is, with a litte room/echo at the
Thanks for takeing your time to listen.
ons, 02 07 2008 kl. 20:48 +0200, skrev Julien Claassen:
> Hello Sven!
> If I say it's "radio compatible", this is to be considered as a praise. I
> mean the general sound. I sounds very straight forward and well mastered.
> Only points: I had some problems with the electric guitar, it sounded a bit
> too mono for my taste. And it would have been nice to really sing the chorus
> twice or thrice and spread the vocals in the stereo image. Would have been
> even more of a distinction in contrast to the stanzer.
> But over all: nicely done, hothing too fancy probably, but exactly right.
> Sometimes less is more.
> Kindest regards
> Julien
> --------
> Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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