Folderol wrote:
> On Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:56:02 +0200
> Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
>>> So, where can we get it? :)
>> For the next week, here (automatically deleted after that):
>> I don't have the bandwidth to host it permanently, and I was sure it was
>> in cvs, but I couldn't find it. Really we need a more premanate way of
>> allowing contributions into the collection, I spend sooo much time last
>> time organizing, checking for tags, avoiding dublicates etc...
> These days, I license all my patches as GPL V2 or later. This clarifies
> the situation for others. I regard my patches more as 'programs' rather
> than 'preformances' with Zyn as the 'interpreter'.
> This makes me wonder if Zyn patches could make a viable sourceforge
> project. I've no idea how it would be set up though :(
something like might work...
-- Patrick Shirkey Boost Hardware Ltd. _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Jul 4 16:15:07 2008
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