Re: [LAU] pretty much frustrated about those rt-kernels!

From: Mark Knecht <markknecht@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 04 2008 - 20:53:11 EEST

On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 10:19 AM, schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I like to learn it. Do you have a good tutorial?

Good is subjective but you could start with the RT-Wiki:

There isn't much to building an RT kernel. It's a vanilla kernel with
a couple of patches and a few options turned on. Where I think things
get messy is when they try to build a Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora RT kernel,
etc. Then it depends on whether what those developers have added to
the kernel and whether it's compatible with the RT stuff.

Personally I've NEVER run a Gentoo RT kernel. I'm not sure if one
exists. I use a standard kernel from with Ingo's patches.
It has always worked well for me.

> But anyway it would be good if there is a rt kernel in all the distros,
> there are also people who don't like or can't make a rt-kernel.
> Like Ubuntu has a real time kernel included...

That's a matter of having someone to do the work mostly. Once you
learn you can do it yourself and provide it back to your distro if you
think others want it. Again, for me, I don't run customized
distro-kernels on any machine I work on. Everything is vanilla either
with or without the RT patch set.

Good luck,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Jul 5 04:15:08 2008

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