Re: [LAU] pretty much frustrated about those rt-kernels!

From: schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jul 04 2008 - 20:19:07 EEST

R Dicaire wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 10:05 AM, schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> I'm using now one of musix, but I can't build my nvidia driver on it.
>> Thats a little problem, but with my normal debian kernel I have wireless
>> internet connection with one click... but 6 of the 10 times on that
>> rt-kernel is failed :/ Why???
>> Maybe should put some 'pressure' on those distro
>> builders to include a decent realtime kernel!
> I can sympathize with your frustration. However maybe you should learn
> to build your own. Please try to remember that stock kernels aren't
> specific to your particular configuration, they are simply a "one size
> *tries* to fit all" solution. Its always best to build to your
> specific hardware setup if the stock kernel doesn't meet your needs.
> Welcome to open source. Feel free to learn how to change it to suit your needs.
> In that same vein, I've had 0 problems with Slackware, Red Hat,
> Ubuntu, Debian testing, using my own custom kernels.
> Good luck.
I like to learn it. Do you have a good tutorial?

But anyway it would be good if there is a rt kernel in all the distros,
there are also people who don't like or can't make a rt-kernel.
Like Ubuntu has a real time kernel included...

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Received on Sat Jul 5 04:15:06 2008

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