I thought, it would probably help some of you, if I uploaded
my rt-config for a realtime kernel (debian system).
# get my kernel config:
wget http://branwelt.de/download/config.gz
(this is all without any warrenty, use at your own risc)
Below is also a kind of script, that should do the whole procedure
for creating a realtime kernel on a debian based system.
I have not testet this script.
I would recommend, to past command for command, and see if it is
working for you. (it should)
This is how I build the kernel I'm currently using.
Note: The config has the realtime-patch applied, but is not
strictly configured for realtime:
I let enabled acpi and cpu-frequency scaling,
because performance was good enough for my requirements
(2.67ms latency at 48000hz samplerate according to qjackctl).
If you encounter xruns, disable these options with "make menuconfig"
(see bottom)
I tried to keep the config general, so it may be usable on other
systems as well.
It is based on a sidux ~ 2.6.21 configuration, including updates for 2.6.25
start of the command list:
mkdir my_realtime_kernel
cd my_realtime_kernel
# get my kernel config
wget http://branwelt.de/download/config.gz
# get the kernel
wget http://www.eu.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-
# get rt-patch
wget http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/patch-
# unpack
tar xfj linux-
tar xfj patch-
# create a symbolic link
ln -s linux- linux
cd linux
# apply patch
patch -p1 < ../patch-
# move config to right place
zcat ../config.gz > ./.config
# now edit the Makefile
# change the line with EXTRAVERSION (without #) to:
# EXTRAVERSION = .8.rt7.em1
# optionally do make oldconfig
# or make menuconfig here
# make the kernel
make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image
cd ..
# finally install the kernel with a command like
# dpkg -i linux-image-
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