Folderol wrote:
> I would say stick with ogg until you see a *very* significant number of
> oga's in the wild. I've seen none so far, and there is no point in
> using an extension that nothing recognises. I would guess that players
> will eventuall be produced that will accept both extensions.
Well that's the pickle though isn't it? How to you get them out there
unless apps use the extension by default?
I haven't seen any linux/BSD choke on my .oga files so far. Many look to
handle the MIME just fine. Apps on windows did pretty well also though
Winamp was sadly unable to play it. :( No real point in testing iTunes. :P
> Maybe have a switch in your app so it can be changed later.
ATM, I have it set to .oga be default with a switch for legacy to use .ogg
So... Still a real pickle. What makes it worse is that even though Xiph
instituted these new extensions they have no intention on pushing them.
Without a push, how can there be adoption?
-Cory \m/
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 14 08:15:16 2008
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