On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 10:45:54 +0200
schoappied <schoappied@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> R.Wolff wrote:
> > Depending on which instrument (genre) you want to focus. If you're
> > longing for keys mainly (Piano, E-Piano, Rhode, Wurli a B3 maybe),
> > and synth secondly,
> My focus in on the keys. I want to buy a second hand one, with keys
> which are closed to piano as possible in this price class. It must
> have at least 61 keys. It would be nice if it could produce some
> sound without a computer, but I want to be able to use it with my
> linux box too. I don't need to much knobs and sounds...
> Are there maybe older keyboards from roland, yamaha or kurzweil or
> whatever, which are good and maybe available in a low price class
> (second hand price class 100 -200 euros) on the second hand market?
> Thanks in advance,
As it happens, I'm looking for quite the same thing. I'm starting to
learn keys and a friend told me that it's better to start with a piano.
I don't have the space for one, so a e-piano is probably the best
choice. Requirements: piano-like weighted keys; if possible midi and a
nice piano sound.
I heard that those e-pianos are rather expensive, which is a problem
for me. The most important part are the keys tough, and a way to
produce sounds that convinces at least me that I'm playing a piano and
not a washing machine :)
Good luck to you Dirk.
Best Regards,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 14 16:15:05 2008
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