Quoting The Other <sstubbs@email-addr-hidden>:
> I start recording. Ardour is getting a BPM of 120, not the 160 BPM as
> Rosegarden is set to.
> The Qjackctl window of Jack shows a BPM of 120.
With jack-transport you have to choose on of the clients to act as
time/tempo master. Per default (at least in my setup) Ardour is setup
to run as that.
So either you change tempo in Ardour by rightclick on the Tempo line,
choose Edit and set it to 160 or you disable Ardour as time master
(button below the sync setting, right of the secondary "beat" clock)
and make sure Rosegarden is set as master.
- Peder
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 14 16:15:06 2008
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