Hello All,
Jack Audio Connection Kit 0.2.22
Rosegarden 1.5.1
Ardour 2.1
Fedora Core 6 with Planet CCRMA sources.
Using Jack Transport as the control for Rosegarden and Ardour. (This is
my first project doing using Ardour.)
In Rosegarden, I have a BPM of 160. I'm using Rosegarden to send MIDI to
my external Roland Sound Expansion modules. The audio output of the
Roland synths is sent back to the PCM Audigy2-ZS sound card in the
computer. I'm recording into Ardour.
I start recording. Ardour is getting a BPM of 120, not the 160 BPM as
Rosegarden is set to.
The Qjackctl window of Jack shows a BPM of 120.
How do I change Jack to use a BPM of 160? Is this a command line
setting I should be using?
Thanks All,
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jul 14 08:15:19 2008
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