Re: [LAU] [ARDOUR] Way of sorting tracks in Mixer and Tracks Views

From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 15 2008 - 15:25:04 EEST

On Tue, 2008-07-15 at 09:08 +0200, Aurelien wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently working on a huge project[1] with about 150 tracks at the end
> (recorded by bunches of 24).
> [1] for me, at least!
> I've created a model with those 150 tracks, but the fact is that some
> instruments (10-15 max) don't play on some tunes, and I prefer to delete
> the related tracks so that it is more readable.
> Please note that there are 24 Tracks "active" and a bit more "viewable",
> and the same 24 tracks are viewable in Mixer View, on which there also
> is busses (6).
> As I delete a track (in the Tracks View), the sorting of the tracks
> totally change in both of the view, and I can't figure out how it
> changes. I didin't find any logics behind this, even if I suppose it is
> the case.
> Worse: when I sort the tracks manually in order in the tracks view, it
> doesn't put them in the same order on the mixer, as the busses are
> viewable from the mixer but not from the Track View. And I finally
> cannot get an ordered sort in one and the other.
> Could someone give me a trick about it?

its a bug. there's no good way around it, i am afraid. even in 2.5.


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Received on Tue Jul 15 16:15:04 2008

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