Re: [LAU] Looking for a mixer, 16+ channels

From: Pieter Palmers <pieterp@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 15 2008 - 18:50:06 EEST

hollunder@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:10:40 +0200
> Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Am Montag, 14. Juli 2008 schrieb hollunder@email-addr-hidden:
>>> By whole band I mean a rather 'traditional' band setup with like,
>>> drums, bass, singer/s, 1-2 guitars, maybe keys.
>>> I would guess that 16 channels is plenty for that, except maybe
>>> when one wants to mic every single drum separately.
>>> His estimation was 16 channels minimum, it doesn't hurt if it's
>>> more.
>> You should go for 24+ channels. A whole drumset is at least 8
>> channels, if the keyboarder isn't recording the midi, there will be
>> additional 2-6 channels for keys. And recording the electric guitars
>> clean and through amp/effects doesn't hurt either. For acoustic
>> guitars it is good to use at least two mics at different distances
>> (provided that they play in their own acoustic booth, otherwise you
>> are pretty much fixed on the plugin-signal). And then you said
>> something about singers...
>> The good thing about such a setup (for example with an rme-pci-card
>> and three adat-interfaces, or several ffado-supported firewire
>> interfaces) is that you get about the same number of outputs. So you
>> can create a lot monitor-mixes for the musicians headphones.
>> Have fun,
>> Arnold
> Thanks Arnold,
> I think it depends a lot on the recording technique, but I guess having
> a few spare channels doesn't hurt.
> Thanks for the hint with multiple firewire devices, that could be a
> solution. If I remember correctly they should have the same timing
> 'automagically'?

That CAN be the case, but is not necessarily so.

Check with the vendors first. If they support it in windows, you can do
it with FFADO too.


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Received on Tue Jul 15 20:15:06 2008

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