On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 4:19 AM, Svend-Erik Kjær Madsen <sv-e@email-addr-hidden-e.dk> wrote:
> I've newly installed a desktop system with dual boot
> windows/ubuntuStudio and discovered something exiting.
> If I play around with ZynAddSubFX in Windows, I can adjust the card to
> 64 frames 96000KHz and play with 1,5 ms latency without any kind of
> sound glitch or interrupts at all.
> If I try the same with UbuntuStudio and jack I get a lot of X-runs as I
> play, in a serious situation it's no good, especially as I'm beginning
> to use effects in and out of my Multiface in real time for example guitar.
> Now that I discovered that my card is fully capable of playing with
> extreme low latency I'm not quite satisfied with running 20ms or more in
> UbuntuStudio or any other Linux DAW.
> Is there anything I can do to tune my jack installation to obtain lower
> latency and more stability with my card, so far I haven't had any luck
> tweaking the jack settings.
How are you using Jack, specifically? Is your kernel real-time? I have
a similar setup (Windows and Fedora/CCRMA) and HDSP worked out of the
box for me in Linux. Granted, I don't use the card at 96K, though.
-- Brett
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden;
If I were to divulge it, it would overturn the world."
-- Jelaleddin Rumi
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Received on Tue Jul 22 16:15:02 2008
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