2008/7/31 Preston C. <gprestonc@email-addr-hidden>
> I have Debian installed and was wondering if it was possible to get a
> real-time kernel in Debian? I do not want to use 64 studio, but was
> hoping for a site like Planet CCRMA for Fedora, just for Debian. Is
> there anything like this? Many Thanks, Preston
> _______________________________________________
There is a debian multimedia project... but I don't think its aim is to
produce music...
For a realtime kernel take a look at:
Or you can install the kernel of 64studio, add this (temporarily) to your
# Stable 64 Studio repository
deb http://apt.64studio.com/64studio/stable/ 64studio main
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Received on Thu Jul 31 12:15:02 2008
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