Re: [LAU] zoom h2

From: drew Roberts <zotz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Aug 03 2008 - 21:50:23 EEST

On Sunday 03 August 2008 14:34:57 jdd wrote:
> Justin Smith a �crit :
> > On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 5:35 PM, drew Roberts <zotz@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> well, thanks for you two. I installed jack (and all the stuff that
> goes with) and then could record with the H2 mike.
> However, after disconnecting the H2, I can't recover the usual sound.
> Is there a jack switch to use sound card 0 or sound card 1?
> >> If you know about jack, try jack and qjackctl.
> I didn't see qjackctl, is that what I need?

qjackctl or "Jack Control" makes things easy, it is probably not needed.

In qjackctl, you can start and stop jack. When stopped, you can click setup
and adjust your settings as well as configure multiple cards and the settings
you want for each and also settings for different uses if you like.

I have a preset name on this machine called int48 which handles my onboard
sound and it only does 48000. I have another prest name called usb441 and I
use that for the zoome h4 at 44100. Hope this info helps you to make
> > I have a zoom H2, it is 100% compatible with Linux.
> I see that now :-)
> > I can use it as a USB sound card, but only with two of its microphones
> > at a time, and a maximum sampling rate of 48k (I think these are also
> > limitations under any other OS, because of USB bus speed).
> I nevre use better anyway
> > I have found it more useful to record using the H2 alone, then grab
> > the files off of it as if it were a flash drive.
> yes, I do that now, but I want to do multi track recording (may be I'm
> not ready yet :-)

Nah, give it go. Try ardour and traverso...
> thanks
> jdd

all the best,

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Received on Mon Aug 4 00:15:04 2008

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