Re: [LAU] Requesting MIDI port and/or audio port of an application

From: Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 11 2008 - 15:11:44 EEST

On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 14:07 +0200, Crypto wrote:
> Hi Conrad,
> jack_lsp indeed seems to do that job.
> BUT:
> I have compared the results jack_lsp gives to the results in the MIDI tab of
> Qjackctl ("Connections").
> I have found that the MIDI connections do not show the name of the application
> that created the connection. It means that both in jack_lsp and Qjackctl in
> tab "MIDI" they are denoted as "system", whereas I would have thought that
> the name of the application that created the port shows up as well. Is there
> a trick to get the name of the application as well?
> So it seems to me I end up where I was before - still need a way to identify
> both application that created the ports and the ports themselves.
> Anything else I can do?

i feel that you are confused. keykit doesn't need to know identities of
applications. you *might* want to know how many MIDI ports it should
create, but you can get qjackctl to take care of the interconnects.
am i missing something?


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Received on Mon Aug 11 16:15:04 2008

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