[LAU] Playing lilypond midi drum files with synth/sampler

From: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Aug 24 2008 - 20:26:52 EEST


I want to write drum score in lilypond, export it to midi and play that
with a sequencer.
Which programs are the best for this? Muse, Rosegarden, Qtractor?
Linuxsampler (gigedit) or specimen?

How does the mapping work? The sequencers do use standard midi
percussion maps...(?)

Here is one: http://www.midistudio.com/Help/GMSpecs_PercMap.htm

Key 35 is that key 35 on a 88 keys piano from left to right?
so key 35 is G3?

Thanks in advance,

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Received on Mon Aug 25 00:15:02 2008

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