Re: [LAU] [COMPLETELY OT} Is it true? :-)

From: Stephen Doonan <stephen.doonan@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Aug 31 2008 - 02:25:46 EEST

Julien Claassen wrote:
> Hello!
> This is for all the english-mothertongued lads, mates and even guys here: Do
> you really say "Holzfaellersteak"? [...] a meal called "lumberjack steak", not havng
> an English translation. Oh all the poor Germans, who don't know th and English
> r, who think this was born in canada or the woods of Maine. :-)

What _is_ "lumberjack steak"? How is it different from just plain steak?
:-) If it's just bigger--and not prepared any differently--then where I
live (Southwestern US) it might be called a "Texas steak," a huge slab
of beef that, if you can eat all of it, every last bit, you don't have
to pay for it (in some restaurants).


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Received on Sun Aug 31 04:15:04 2008

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