I recently installed Fedora 9, then Ubuntu Hardy Heron and the
UbuntuStudio packages. In both cases, a new soundserver (new to me),
PulseAudio, was installed by default and has caused me some confusion
and frustration.
What is the feeling among Linux audio users about PulseAudio?
Is it a good development? Will it eventually replace ALSA, or does it
instead simply add an additional level or layer of abstraction and
indirection to audio in Linux. Will the simplicity it seems to aim for
add yet more complexity to the issues surrounding configuration and
troubleshooting of audio in Linux, especially for those who use the
specialized audio applications that many Linux-audio-users use?
How are users responding to the development of PulseAudio and its
inclusion in Linux distribution installations? Remove it afterward and
revert to pure ALSA, disabling Gnome and KDE specific soundservers?
Learning to live with PulseAudio and how to make it work well with
Ardour, Jamin, Rosegarden, Muse, Qtractor, Qjackctl, etc.? :-)
(Steve Doonan, Portales, New Mexico US)
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Aug 31 20:15:01 2008
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