Re: [LAU] Level Matching

From: Emanuel Rumpf <xbran@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Nov 04 2008 - 18:32:36 EET

2008/11/4 Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>:
> So what the original poster wants is to add a compressor to the output
> path for amarok or whatever audio track player is being used...

I don't thinks so.

Compressors work in a small time-range and modify the
signal (in relation to some milliseconds sooner/later).
Normalisation does not change the relation
of the samples, it rather shifts the volume of all samples
equally for the whole piece (that is expected to
already have a consistent level itself)

The "on-the-fly" thing would work like this here:
pre-process the next song, compute inc/dec value i.o. to reach peak level,
adjust it, play it, pre-process next song.
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Received on Tue Nov 4 20:15:02 2008

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