On Monday 24 November 2008 21:47:41 Philippe Hezaine wrote:
> pkg-config --modversion smf
> Package smf was not found in the pkg-config search path.
> Perhaps you should add the directory containing `smf.pc'
> to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
> No package 'smf' found
> Do i have to install it manually? I can dowload the sources and put them
> in /usr/portage/distfiles and then emerge but what do i do with
If there's no Gentoo package for libsmf, it's probably easiest to install it
the usual, distro-independent way, i.e. extract the tarball and run
"./configure && make && make install".
That will install libsmf to /usr/local. If it's still not found after that,
try "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig"
before building mididings.
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Received on Tue Nov 25 00:15:11 2008
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