Re: [LAU] Made with Linux

From: Jörn Nettingsmeier <>
Date: Sun Jan 04 2009 - 13:26:40 EET

hi stéphane!

Stéphane Magnenat wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Here are two music pieces that I have composed using Linux:
> - Variations d'Automne
> - To Hope
> The lossless FLACs are available on my homepage:
> I've used the following programs:
> - Jack
> - Rosegarden
> - Ardour
> - LADSPA + various plugins
> - Lilypond

the four voices tune is lovely. i'd like to hear this in a nice ambience
without pitch doctoring at some point! especially the soprano has
audible artefacts.
(btw, goes to show why parallel fifths were frowned upon in the old days
- i sure love their sound, they stand out like a lighthouse, but they
are sooo hard to hit properly)
i think it could do with a little more slack, more in a madrigal style
of taking each sentence on its own, with slight tempo changes and short

the piano piece made me grin as i read along - you've certainly taken a
page out of charles ives' book by using many enharmonic changes of flats
and sharps that sound totally different from what they look like :)
keeps the pianist alert!

thanks for publishing those beautiful scores along with the music.
that's the open source spirit :)



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Received on Sun Jan 4 16:15:01 2009

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