Re: [LAU] 1 and 2 and 3 and 4

From: Cassiel <raffaele.morelli@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 08 2009 - 11:49:36 EET

Here we are, from Italy!!
Hope to do this funny job with my band during the next week end.


2009/1/8 Thorsten Wilms <t_w_@email-addr-hidden>

> Hi!
> I would like to remind you of my call for contributions. Take your
> chance of becoming part of a crowd of people all around the world,
> counting to the rhythm in several languages!
> Contributors will be credited in order of their submissions and this
> will
> also likely influence the order of use in the track ;)
> Besides recording yourself and family and friends and pets (if they are
> able to count), you can help by spreading the word.
> What I'm after are recordings of one person at a time, saying:
> A: "One Two Three Four"
> B: "One and Two and Three and Four and"
> C: "Beat" (to be translated to whatever makes sense 4 times in one
> measure
> at 4/4. A single utterance is enough, as I want to use these as accent.)
> - Translated in a native language and any language spoken without much
> of an accent. If there are special ways of counting to the beat in a
> language, use those (only or even better additionally) and inform me.
> - With a tempo of 110 beats per minute (to be very clear, the "and" has
> to be between beats ;).
> - A and B should ideally be recorded with about 4 iterations (4
> measures)
> Don't think that your language will already be well-represented without
> you. Others might think the same ;) Also, the more I can layer in one
> language, the better.
> All files should be:
> - ideally wavpacked, or plain WAV as second choice
> - 32 bit float, 48 KHz
> - Trimmed
> - Normalized
> - Dry
> - Explicitly licensed as
> or released to the Public Domain
> _Only_ if you don't record with a JACK application, 16 and 24 bit
> integer
> formats are also acceptable.
> Please name the files as follows:
> - firstname_lastname_language_count.wav for "One Two Three Four"
> - firstname_lastname_language_count_and.wav for "One and Two ..."
> - firstname_lastname_language_beat.wav for "Beat"
> Email attachments are no option for such large files, so only send
> links to uploads. Consider using if you have
> no other space. Please mail me off-list for submissions and on-list for
> questions.
> I'm also available as thorwil in #lad and #ardour at
> My intention is to offer the result and the material on
> This is an open-source project ;)
> I also want to submit a version to the
> I can't promise to use all contributions. I will sort out ones that
> sound suspiciously different from others claimed to be in the same
> language ;)
> However, all serious contributors will be given credit.
> Extended deadline:
> I will start to work with the material as soon as I have enough, but
> will accept more until the 23rd of January.
> Thanks!
> --
> Thorsten Wilms
> thorwil's design for free software:
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Received on Thu Jan 8 12:15:01 2009

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