Re: [LAU] How to do an online album release?

From: shane richards <shanerich@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 18 2009 - 14:05:11 EET

Thanks to everyone who has responded. The LAU list rocks!

After doing some investigation today, it looks like my approach will be:

1) Sign with someone like Magnatune to handle the commercial side, official releases and promotion. Now there's an agency that seems to understand both artists' and listeners' needs; they promote and distribute, you retain the rights to the music (so you can still give stuff away), you can make a little money, and your audience *owns* what they've it should be.

2) Create a dedicated web-site, to host lots of free extras - demos of new stuff, things that don't make it on the official releases, remixes, re-recordings, live recordings.

BTW: I found an interesting article by Courtney Love on the subject - it's quite old, a bit political, but a good read:

We live in exciting times.
- shanerich
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sun Jan 18 16:15:01 2009

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