[LAU] Building a DAW on Linux for Yamaha DTX II

From: gravyface <gravyface@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 18 2009 - 20:22:28 EET

Hello all,

It's been over 10 years since I've done any digital audio stuff on my PC and
now having finally bought a house, I'm actually going to have some room in
the basement to setup a DAW, my Yamaha DTX II kit, keyboard, etc. and have
some fun.

Anyways, back in the day, triggering audio samples via MIDI was always a bit
of a hassle with my (at the time) underpowered machine with the various VST
instruments. I now have a P4 3.0GHz box with 2GB RAM and some sort of
newish Soundblaster card and I'm interested in triggering live .wav/digital
audio drum samples with my kit and some Hammond B3 emulators from my
keyboard. I'd like to do some multitrack MIDI and audio recording as well
(most likely overdubs so a multi-input soundcard/break-out device isn't
really in the picture right now).

Can anyone suggest what software (or any how-tos/sites) I should be looking
at? What distro is best? I'm more confortable with Debian/Ubuntu

Thanks in advance

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Jan 19 00:15:01 2009

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