Quoting Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden>:
> And here is the next installment in the saga of trying to get Ingo
> RT going on my Asus EEE.
> I successfully built and ran the with the alsa_seq
> patch. It ran.
> The problem is that neither the Ethernet (atl1e) or wireless
> (rt2860sta) work. So I pretty much had to reboot back out of it
> immediately.
I've been running the standard kernel from openSUSE 11.0 on my Athlon
2000+ and can get down to at least 5.3ms latency on an Audiophile 2496
using the limits.conf "trick".
Do people really need lower latencies for music purposes or are we
just thinking "well, I needed the RT patch three years ago; I ain't
stopping now" ?
- Peder
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue Jan 27 16:15:05 2009
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