On Sat, Feb 07, 2009 at 01:11:17PM +0100, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> Hi!
> Yesterday I finalised the international counting track and submitted
> low-quality versions (1 MB size limit) to the Ubuntu Free Culture
> Showcase.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase
> I made 2 versions, with and without whistling. The speech melodies
> inspired me, but the whistling might be found to take away from the
> counting.
> Several formats and the complete Ardour session are available from
> http://www.archive.org/details/countint
> Wavpacking the source audio-files would have saved about 40 MB, but I
> decided that it wouldn't be worth the trouble on the receiving side :)
> Big thanks to all the contributors:
> Sampo Savolainen, Finnish, http://sampo.garageflower.net
> becks, Italian, http://msound.org
> Robin Gareus, German, http://gareus.org
> Ken Restivo, US-English, http://restivo.org
> David Paez, Spanish
> Gordon JC Pearce MM3YEQ, English, Gaelic, http://www.nekosynth.co.uk
> Savvas Z. Radevi??, Serbian, Greek, French, English,
> http://blog.radevic.com
> Nils "Steele" Gey, German, Japanese, http://nilsgey.de
> Maxime Deschildre, French
> Comments and remixes welcome!
Cool! Nice peice, and very different from Kraftverk's take on the concept.
I'm happy that you closed with my spoof of the counting made (in)famous in the USA by Lawrence Welk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Welk).
My grandmother used to love watching him on TV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6VWYDd5hgE); my brother and I used to groan and complain at being subjected to it. When we heard him count off for his band like that, it used to make us crazy, and we'd leave the room screaming in anguish.
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Received on Mon Feb 9 08:15:01 2009
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