Re: [LAU] orchestra mixing, reverb, and spatialization

From: Stéphane Magnenat <stephane@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Feb 12 2009 - 12:09:45 EET

> If you want to model the the ambient reflections with that type of physical
> accuracy, you would probably save yourself a lot of trouble by finding an
> actual performance venue that you want to model after, and get several
> stereo impulse response samples from the desired listening location, with
> the sources coming from the different locations on stage that you are
> wanting to use as instrument sources.

Yes, but that requires specific hardware, where a more mathematical model does
not. Speaking about impulse response modernization, is there any open source
reverb tools that use them?

Thank you, have a nice day


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Received on Thu Feb 12 12:15:04 2009

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