Re: [LAU] Phonic Helix Board 24 on Fedora

From: Pieter Palmers <pieterp@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Feb 15 2009 - 12:36:58 EET

Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Pieter Palmers <pieterp@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Jonathan Gazeley wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to set up my Phonic Helix Board 24 on Fedora 10. I've added
>>> the CCRMA repository but I'm *not* running a CCMRA kernel. I have just
>>> used this repository to install ffado and jack.
>>> [jonathan@email-addr-hidden ~]$ uname -r
>>> [jonathan@email-addr-hidden ~]$ rpm -q ffado
>>> ffado-2.0-0.6.rc1.fc10.ccrma.i386
>>> Starting jack gives the output below. Running as root gives exactly the same output. I've made sure that all users have read/write permissions on the firewire port (chmod a+rw /dev/fw*)
>>> I'm a fairly experienced Linux user but I know very little about audio on Linux. Can anyone shed any light on this? I had the same Phonic device working on Fedora 8 some time ago but that computer is now a distant memory...
>>> Any help will be gratefully accepted!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jonathan
>>> [jonathan@email-addr-hidden ~]$ jackd -d firewire
>> Run jackd in realtime mode.
>> Pieter
> Is his kernel even a real-time kernel? I don't get that from the uname output...

What I mean is:

jackd -R -d firewire

That doesn't require a RT kernel. Don't expect FFADO to work properly
when jack doesn't run in realtime mode (-R). The same applies for ALSA
or other backends btw, but FFADO is particularly sensitive.


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Received on Sun Feb 15 16:15:01 2009

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