Re: [LAU] good linux distros for audio

From: lanas <lanas@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Feb 23 2009 - 13:48:35 EET

Le Dimanche, 22 février 2009 18:34:22 -0500,
Paul Davis <> a écrit :

> Skype runs perfectly on F9 and F10. At least on my systems, which
> have had Pulse removed/disabled.

If I may go on a tangent here, how did you got rid of Pulse ? I'm
using F8 x86_64 and it's not in the services menu. It does not
interfere with Jack, but when some audio is played w/o jack, xine has
to wait until a connection with Pulse does not work in order to
playback sound and that causes some delay.

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Feb 23 16:15:03 2009

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