Re: [LAU] (For the crafters)Swtich to choose one from four reed/pipes

From: ben <brouits@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 09 2009 - 20:32:50 EET

Nils Gey a écrit :
> This is a bit offtopic.
> But maybe one of you has an idea how this could be done:
> I'm searching for a way to build a (part) of an instrument which consists of four
> pipes with reeds in them (like a clarient or oboe, only with just one tone)
> That means: if you blow in just one of them you will hear a sound.
> So basically its not one but four instruments bound togehter.
> Each of the pipes is only 7mm bore/diameter so the four of them will fit togehter
> in one hand. The material is copper or pvc, still experimenting.
sort of pan flute, but with reeds ... ?

> The air will be filled in with some kind of mechanic and for all four toghether.
Ah, so, there is only one air entry, plus something that must route it ?

> The question now is: How can I only let one of the pipes sound?
> Its not needed that more than one sounds at once.
> But it IS needed to switch quickly (up to one second) between them and
> it should be possible with just one hand.
> After switching the state should be consistent, which means you can use
> your hand for other things then.
> Any Ideas? The nicest way would be to do it with some existing parts
> which can be bought, maybe for tubes or ducts.
It may be not what you want: think of medium pressure valve routers for
_dental industry_ (google: valve routing).
You may get better ideas on a mechanical musical instrument list, maybe
by browsing the mail archive of (though there
must be other mmi lists)

- ben

> greetings,
> Nils
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