[LAU] Ethnic Sounds

From: Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Mar 14 2009 - 02:17:04 EET

For some time I've been trying to get ethnic sounds out of Zyn, and I
think I've more-or-less succeeded in getting a panpipe or panflute
sound. I've put together just a tiny snippet so you can hear the
effect, although I'm the first to admit the tune is hardly in style
with the sound!


I have actually used three versions of the same sound. One centered,
another panned left, and the last one panned right. I guess I should
really also make some small differences in the sound to get an even
more realistic effect.

For anyone interested these (along with a lot of other voices) can be
found in my banks collection at:


Will J Godfrey
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Sat Mar 14 04:15:01 2009

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