Re: [LAU] Web-based Notation

From: Laura Conrad <sunny@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 20 2009 - 18:30:23 EET

>>>>> "andy" == andy baxter <> writes:

    andy> David Baron wrote:
>> Folk seeking notation alternatives my check this out!
    andy> Does it have a midi import feature?

I don't see one. Only xml input. Which will be fine when there start
being lots of programs that output it, and people figure out how to do
it. Right now, I don't know anyone who's sharing MusicXML

Does anyone know a way to get MIDI into MusicXML?

Right now Lilypond has people working actively on MusicXML input, but
as far as I know, people are only talking about MusicXML output.

Everybody knows how bad MIDI is as a notation exchange format, but the
number of people really working on getting anything better is really

Laura   (mailto:lconrad@email-addr-hidden )
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
I suppose it can be said I'm an absent-minded driver.  It's true that
I've driven through a number of red lights on occasion, but on the
other hand I've stopped at a lot of green ones but never gotten credit
for it.
Glenn Gould, quoted in "A Romance on Three Legs" by Katie Hafner
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Received on Fri Mar 20 20:15:02 2009

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