Re: [LAU] Looking for noteeditor with chordnames and midi export

From: Laura Conrad <sunny@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 27 2009 - 18:27:50 EET

>>>>> "Grammostola" == Grammostola Rosea <> writes:

    Grammostola> Take a look here, and ask the lilypond mailinglist
    Grammostola> further, they can help you.

I think that's what I said. For me, chords aren't something I do
much, so as long as I can get output my keyboard player(s) can read, I
don't particularly care whether it's exactly the format someone
expects. But it sounded like the OP probably wanted what he wanted,
and I wanted to warn him that it was going to take some work.

Laura   ( )
(617) 661-8097	233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   
From a pound of iron worth a few pennies can be made many thousand
watch-springs, which are worth hundreds of thousands. Put to good use
the pound that God has given you.
Robert Schumann, Preface to 'Album für die Jugend'
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Fri Mar 27 20:15:05 2009

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