Hi all,
The meeting last night was good but not many people (me, Wayne, and Rik).
Does anyone know a good way to convert rtf to nice html (i.e. using
proper codes like h1 h2 etc, not <p class="Heading1"> which is what open
office does)? It's only one document that I have to convert, so not
really worth taking the time to write a script, but it would save me a
bit of time if there's an automatic way of doing it.
Also, is anyone up for doing a talk or demonstration? The third
wednesday in April would be good. I could talk about what I've done to
set up my slug with debian, and give a dummy's guide to basic security
issues (which I've been learning about before putting the slug online.)
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 2 12:15:01 2009
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