Re: [LAU] kernel install problem redux

From: Dave Phillips <dlphillips@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Apr 07 2009 - 21:11:49 EEST

Mark Knecht wrote:
> Going back to your original post it seems you never said what kernel
> you were trying to boot and then having problems with. What kernel was
> it?
> Currently it seems you really didn't try to jump that far going from
> 2.6.24-18 to 2.6.24-23 which is likely why the booting part wasn't an
> issue. Is that that your assessment?

Hi Mark,

The recap: I began by building and installing a 2.6.26 rt kernel. It
wouldn't load, just aborted with the UUID error. I decided to install an
Ubuntu-sanctified kernel, 2.6.24-18-rt, when it appeared in the repo.
Alas, I got the same error when I tried to load that one. After much
head-scratching, I gave up this morning and installed 2.6.24-23-rt, and
it works. AFAICT maybe I missed installing a modules package ? But that
doesn't explain why my home-brew kernel wouldn't load.



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Received on Wed Apr 8 00:15:02 2009

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