Re: [LAU] Normalizing Audio Levels using RMS

From: Raffaele <raffaele.morelli@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 16 2009 - 16:08:46 EEST

2009/4/16 Viktor Mastoridis <viktor@email-addr-hidden>

>> Frequencies compression (as peak one) allows you boost the overall volume
>> of your track which in turns increases its loudness <=> RMS.
>> Of course you must take care of peaks but meters (and ears) are your
>> friends.
>> regards
>> -r
>> Thank you for remind me on this article Ron. It was one of the first that
> I discovered when I started using Linux Audio. But hey, it took me a whole
> year to figure out how all the different audio apps work here in Linux and
> which ones are useful to me, so I lost sight of that one, I must admit. I
> will take my time to study it a bit closer.

You're welcome, but I am not Ron :-)


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Received on Thu Apr 16 16:15:01 2009

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