On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 12:21:36PM +0200, Grammostola Rosea wrote:
> Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 12:06:07 +0200
> From: Marc Hohl <marc@email-addr-hidden>
> To: lilypond-user@email-addr-hidden, "Carl D. Sorensen" <c_sorensen@email-addr-hidden>,
> David Stocker <dstocker@email-addr-hidden>,
> Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: tablature.ly
> Hello tablature users*,
> after some days of struggling with lilypond's internals, I have created
> a file tablature.ly
> which supports:
> 1) two commands to switch between the display style:
> \tabNumbersOnly shows only the mubers,
> \tabFullNotation shows up everything (as it is the default in
> \TabVoice upto now)
> 2) two commands for the possible clefs:
> \calligraphicTabClef #<tuning>
> \sansSerifTabClef #<tuning>
> (I didn't like "modern" or "old" clef, so I used commands which
> describe the apperance
> of the clefs).
> The sans serif clef is available for 4 to 7 strings. It internally sets
> \TabStaff.stringTunings to <tuning>.
> 3) some more tunings are defined:
> guitar-seven-string-tuning
> guitar-drop-d-tuning bass-four-string-tuning
> bass-drop-d-tuning bass-five-string-tuning
> bass-six-string-tuning
> (yes I know, the already defined "bass-tuning" is the same as my
> "bass-four-string-tuning", but
> as I write music for various basses, this is easier to read at first
> glance.)
> 4) commandos for palm mute playing and dead notes are supported (palm
> mute is not a tablature-specific
> issue, but as electric guitar players use tablature and often play
> palm mute, I think this is ok).
> At first I thought of using \x for dead notes, but in other threads \x
> is used for almost everything,
> so I leave it to the user to say x = \deadNotes and use \x for faster
> typing myriads of dead notes :-)
> I post this along with a test file, so you can check this out.
> *Carl, which isn't really a tablature user, has given me a lot of
> support an insight to lilypond,
> and he proposed to include tablature.ly in future releases of lilypond,
> so this would be the place to
> go for further development (bendings, etc.). Establishing
> \tabNumbersOnly as a standard would mean to
> break with older versions, but as it is a single command, this should
> not be considered as a serious
> drawback.
> As there are more people invoved in developing tablature extensions for
> lilypond, I send tablature.ly
> to this list for testing purposes, so changes, corrections etc. could be
> discussed before establishing
> the file in future versions. As I said before, it is just a starting
> point, any suggestions, improvements
> etc. are welcome. Are there other tunings we should consider being
> defined internally?
> Yet again, I would like to thank Carl for his great help and patience,
> and as far as I can see now,
> making contributions to lilypond is easier than one might think, there
> are a lot of people outside
> willing to help you, if you are willing to bring lilypond further on, so
> give it a try!
> Greetings,
> Marc
> % tablature.ly
> % these definitions will be moved to scm/output-lib.scm
> #(define-public guitar-seven-string-tuning '(4 -1 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25))
> #(define-public guitar-drop-d-tuning '(4 -1 -5 -10 -15 -22))
> #(define-public bass-four-string-tuning '(-17 -22 -27 -32))
> #(define-public bass-drop-d-tuning '(-17 -22 -27 -34))
> #(define-public bass-five-string-tuning '(-17 -22 -27 -32 -37))
> #(define-public bass-six-string-tuning '(-12 -17 -22 -27 -32 -37))
> % some publications use the triangled note head
> % for palm mute, so here we go:
> palmMuteOn = { \set shapeNoteStyles = #'#(do do do do do do do ) }
> palmMuteOff = { \unset shapeNoteStyles }
> % for single notes (or groups of notes within { ...} :
> palmMute = #(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
> #{
> \set shapeNoteStyles = #'#(do do do do do do do )
> $note
> \unset shapeNoteStyles
> #})
> % x-tab-format uses a "x" instead of the fret number:
> #(define (x-tab-format str context event)
> (make-whiteout-markup
> (make-vcenter-markup
> (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2cross"))))
> % dead notes are marked with a cross-shape note head,
> % both in normal notation and in tablature:
> deadNotesOn = {
> \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross
> \set tablatureFormat = #x-tab-format
> }
> deadNotesOff = {
> \unset tablatureFormat
> \revert NoteHead #'style
> }
> % for single notes or groups of notes within {...}:
> deadNotes = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?)
> #{
> \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross
> \set tablatureFormat = #x-tab-format
> $notes
> \unset tablatureFormat
> \revert NoteHead #'style
> #})
> % define sans serif-style tab-Clefs according to
> % http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=323
> % for 4, 5, 6 and 7 strings
> #(define-markup-command (customTabClef layout props tuning) (pair?)
> (let* ((num-strings (length tuning))
> ;; the number of strings has to be in 4...7
> (num-strings (cond ((< num-strings 4) 4)
> ((> num-strings 7) 7)
> (else num-strings)))
> (raise-value (- (* num-strings 0.4) 0.9))
> (font-size (- (* num-strings 1.5) 7))
> (base-skip (cond ((= 4 num-strings) 1.55)
> ((= 5 num-strings) 1.84)
> ((= 6 num-strings) 2.00)
> ((= 7 num-strings) 2.08)))
> (new-props (cons (list
> '(font-family . sans)
> (cons 'baseline-skip base-skip))
> props)))
> (interpret-markup layout new-props
> (markup #:raise raise-value #:bold #:fontsize font-size
> #:column ("T" "A" "B")))))
> % Wrappers for the different clefs
> % the argument is the string-tuning, which is automatically set.
> sansSerifTabClef = #(define-music-function (parser location tuning) (pair?)
> #{
> \override TabStaff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
> \override TabStaff.Clef #'text = \markup \customTabClef $tuning
> \set TabStaff.stringTunings = $tuning
> #})
> calligraphicTabClef = #(define-music-function (parser location tuning) (pair?)
> #{
> \revert TabStaff.Clef #'stencil
> \set TabStaff.stringTunings = $tuning
> #})
> % commands for switching between tablature with numbers only...
> tabNumbersOnly = {
> % no time signature
> \override TabStaff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
> % no stems, beams, dots, ties and slurs
> \override TabVoice.Stem #'stencil = ##f
> \override TabVoice.Beam #'stencil = ##f
> \override TabVoice.Dots #'stencil = ##f
> \override TabVoice.Tie #'stencil = ##f
> \override TabVoice.Slur #'stencil = ##f
> % no tuplet stuff
> \override TabVoice.TupletBracket #'stencil = ##f
> \override TabVoice.TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
> % no dynamic signs, text spanners etc.
> \override DynamicText #'transparent = ##t
> \override DynamicTextSpanner #'stencil = ##f
> \override TextSpanner #'stencil = ##f
> \override Hairpin #'transparent = ##t
> % no rests
> \override TabVoice.Rest #'stencil = ##f
> \override TabVoice.MultiMeasureRest #'stencil = ##f
> % no markups
> \override TabVoice.Script #'stencil = ##f
> \override TabVoice.TextScript #'stencil = ##f
> }
> % and the full notation
> tabFullNotation = {
> % time signature
> \revert TabStaff.TimeSignature #'stencil
> % stems, beams, dots
> \revert TabVoice.Stem #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.Beam #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.Dots #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.Tie #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.Slur #'stencil
> % tuplet stuff
> \revert TabVoice.TupletBracket #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.TupletNumber #'stencil
> % dynamic signs
> \revert DynamicText #'transparent
> \override DynamicTextSpanner #'stencil = ##f
> \revert TabVoice.DynamicTextSpanner #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.Hairpin #'transparent
> % rests
> \revert TabVoice.Rest #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.MultiMeasureRest #'stencil
> % markups
> \revert TabVoice.Script #'stencil
> \revert TabVoice.TextScript #'stencil
> }
> \version "2.12.2"
> \include "tablature.ly"
> \markup {First, a lot of stuff as it is displayed both in notation and in tablature.}
> alotofstuff = {
> \time 3/4
> c4^"test" d( e)
> f4\f g a^\fermata
> c8\< c16 c ~ c2\!
> c'2.
> \mark \default
> R2.
> r4 d4 r8 r
> \times 3/4 { b4 c d c }
> c4. d-_( e\varcoda)
> ->f g~ a\prall g\thumb e-. f-. g-.
> \times 3/4 { b4 c d c }
> \bar "|."
> }
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff \alotofstuff
> \new TabStaff \alotofstuff
> >>
> }
> \markup{When we invoke tabNumbersOnly, it looks better.}
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff \alotofstuff
> \new TabStaff { \tabNumbersOnly \alotofstuff }
> >>
> }
> \markup{ tablature.ly supports an easy way to mark notes as played palm mute-style...}
> palmmute = \relative c, {
> \time 4/4
> e8^\markup { \musicglyph #"noteheads.u2do" = palm mute } \palmMuteOn e e \palmMuteOff e e \palmMute e e e
> e8 \palmMute { e e e } e e e e
> \palmMuteOn
> < e b' e>8 e e e <e b' e>2
> \bar "|."
> }
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff { \clef "G_8" \palmmute }
> \new TabStaff { \tabNumbersOnly
> \calligraphicTabClef #guitar-tuning
> \palmmute }
> >>
> }
> \markup {... or dead notes:}
> deadnotes = \relative c,, {
> e8. \deadNotesOn e16 \deadNotesOff g4 a b
> e8. \deadNotes e16 g4 a b
> e,4. \deadNotes { e8 e e } e4
> \bar "|."
> }
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff { \clef "bass_8" \deadnotes }
> \new TabStaff { \tabNumbersOnly
> \sansSerifTabClef #bass-four-string-tuning
> \deadnotes }
> >>
> }
> \markup { The new sansSerifTab-Clef supports tablatures from 4 to 7 strings.}
> % some stuff
> bass = \relative c,, {
> e4 g a b
> b4 f g d'
> \bar "|."
> }
> % four strings, calculated clef
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff { \mark \markup{4 strings}
> \clef "bass_8" \bass }
> \new TabStaff { \tabNumbersOnly
> \sansSerifTabClef #bass-four-string-tuning
> \bass }
> >>
> }
> % five strings, calculated clef
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff { \mark \markup{5 strings}
> \clef "bass_8" \bass }
> \new TabStaff { \tabNumbersOnly
> \sansSerifTabClef #bass-five-string-tuning
> \bass }
> >>
> }
> guitar = \relative c {
> c4 d e f
> g4 a b c
> \bar "|."
> }
> % six strings, calculated clef
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff { \mark \markup{6 strings}
> \clef "G_8" \guitar }
> \new TabStaff { \tabNumbersOnly
> \sansSerifTabClef #guitar-tuning
> \guitar }
> >>
> }
> % seven strings, calculated clef
> \score {
> <<
> \new Staff { \mark \markup{7 strings}
> \clef "G_8" \guitar }
> \new TabStaff { \tabNumbersOnly
> \sansSerifTabClef #guitar-seven-string-tuning
> \guitar }
> >>
> }
What a strange language!
Looks like a cross between Scheme and PostScript.
Cool, nice that it has tab capability now.
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Received on Tue Apr 28 04:15:05 2009
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