Fons Adriaensen:
>> I had the same trouble recently trying to run
>> fvwm with fedora 10.
>> If you install windowmaker
>> using a fedora package, a menu at the bottom
>> of the gdm screen should appear. In this menu you
>> should be able to choose window manager.
>> (I saw the menu coincidentally after lots of
>> frustration trying to edit .xsession etc.)
> You mean at the bottom of the _screen_, not of
> the gdm window ?
Yes, at the bottom of the screen. And furthermore,
the menu doesn't show up until _after_ you have written
your user-name in the gdm window. :-)
If it was there it managed rather
> well to remain inconspicuous... I also wonder why
> my ~/.xsession was ignored.
> I just removed gdm and installed xdm. Doing this
> leaves you with audio devices owned by root/root
> but that's easily corrected in udev (where this
> should have been taken care of in the first place).
I think I'll switch to xdm too. I'm suspecting gdm
to start pulseaudio, set background color, gtk style,
and probably other things I most certainly don't want.
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Received on Tue Apr 28 16:15:02 2009
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