[LAU] Newer USB audio interfaces

From: Bill Allen <bill@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Apr 29 2009 - 04:04:29 EEST

I noticed in the discussion on Ken Restivo's EEE-PC that he is using the
MAudio FastTrack Pro. I had looked at that device, but when I looked at the
Alsa soundcard matrix, it wasn't listed. Is it working out of the box?

Another USB device that I thought looked good was the E-Mu 0404 USB. It is
listed as not implemented yet. Is anybody using that out of the box yet?

Any other ideas? I'm looking to replace my venerable Edirol UA-20 with
something a little more modern since I've never been able to get its midi
and audio working together. In advanced mode, midi works but no audio and

Best regards,

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 29 04:15:02 2009

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