Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> philicorda wrote:
>> A good read!
>> Some will see this as heresy, but I think that most of the Hammond sound
>> comes from the Leslie speaker. The sound just from the console speaker
>> on my L100 is almost a different instrument.
> reminds me of one of those really embarassing situations: on my sister's
> wedding day, i walk up to the band where a distant friend is playing a
> nord stage (or something, the one with the drawbars), and he has this
> mean jazzy tone. i go, man this is awesome, as good as a real leslie. he
> is, ugh? whaddayoumean? i says, the lez tone, absolutely life-like,
> doppler and inertia and grind noise and all.
> at which point he pointed to the "table" i was resting my carcass on
> (somebody had seen fit to drape a table cloth over it) and went, "now
> who are we kidding here?"
> i made up for this blunder by helping him carry the vintage leslie into
> his car :)
Good story :)
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