On Sun, 17 May 2009 09:58:47 -0500 (CDT)
Brent Busby <brent@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 May 2009, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> > otoh, the only other jack application i know of that writes to
> > ~/.jackdrc is ardour; have a look at your use case when starting
> > jackd from behind ardour's open session dialog...
> Newbie question: Is it harmful to have QJackctl and Ardour both
> running at the same time? Do they have to potential to fight
> eachother, or to make changes to the Jack environment that will be
> made by one but not realized by the other, either in regard to jackd
> parameters, or in regard to the connection patchbays?
Well, they basically don't interfere BUT
I had (have?) a problem where qjackctl did interfere with ardour.
When I tried to export a project in ardour and had qjackctl running, no
matter if qjackctl started jackd or not, ardours export got stuck,
ardour was not responding anymore. If qjackctl was not running export
behaved fine. Rui (qjackctl author) said it was a problem with either
jack or ardour.
Personally, with all the trouble surrounding qjackctl recently, I now
just start jackd with my desktop session (until I have a way to start
it as daemon with user privileges) and make connections in patchage.
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