Re: [LAU] pulseaudio issues [was Re: jackdbus issues: a workaround ? (Was: more jack/qjackctl madness)]

From: Patrick Shirkey <pshirkey@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed May 20 2009 - 06:27:49 EEST

Hartmut Noack wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Paul Davis schrieb:
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 9:49 AM, alex stone <compose59@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>>> This is, i believe, at the heart of the problem.
>>> As a user looking in from the outside, it appears odd that the pulse
>>> team didn't jump onboard with jack,
>> "they" (i.e. Lennart) know all about JACK. JACK and Pulse superfically
>> some similarities ("sound server") but at a deeper level have almost
>> diametrically opposed goals.
> Do you think, that Jack and Pulse could see each other as perfect
> abstractions:
> Pulse sees Jackd as just another "soundcard"-Port it can deliver its
> stream to - the same as it does with alsa
> Jackd sees Pulse as just another application that delivers a stream -
> the same as it is related to Zyandd or Ardour
> ?
> Or would realtime-issues in Pulse still destabilize Jackd if Pulse runs
> as a jack-client?

Is the situation with pulse and jack really this bad that pulse can
actually take down jack if it has a runtime issue?

I don't recall anyone mentioning that scenario over the past few years.
It wouldn't surprise me though as pulse is a unique beast and may put
strain on the system if it is competing with jack.

Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd

Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Wed May 20 08:15:02 2009

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