Re: [LAU] Most Loaded Desktop competition

From: Joe Hartley <jh@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat May 23 2009 - 18:28:57 EEST

On Fri, 22 May 2009 20:09:31 -1000
david <gnome@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Sorry, I'm interested in desktops I can use, not clutter up. And the
> other poster who seems to not like Fluxbox apparently doesn't understand
> that it can quite happily run KDE and GNOME apps (although why anyone
> would want to waste their time with GNOME is completely beyond me).

That'd be me, and I run gnome apps all the time. The most I run in the
studio would be Qjackctl, Ardour and Jamin. Not terribly cluttered,
especially across 2 monitors. At work I may have a lot of xterms running
and a browser or two, but that's not really sexy either.

       Joe Hartley - UNIX/network Consultant - jh@email-addr-hidden
 Without deviation from the norm, "progress" is not possible. - FZappa
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Received on Sat May 23 20:15:05 2009

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